Friday, May 29, 2020

Mold and Its Effects on Air Quality

The mixture of moisture and heat create humidity. In turn, humidity creates an environment for mold and mildew to grow. There are various types of mold, with each type of ranging in seriousness. Highly toxic molds can be found anywhere in the air. They only become a problem when there is a large buildup.

Those with respiratory diseases like asthma are especially affected by the buildup of mold. In general, mold is not harmful in small amounts. However, large amounts of mold can decrease air quality and causes severe health risks.

Mold’s Impact On Air Quality

A large buildup of mold will pose a threat to indoor air quality. Anyone with a respiratory condition will also see drastic effects from the mold spores. These people may see greater problems with their condition, such as an asthma attack. Other people within the home may experience symptoms similar to allergies; sneezing, coughing, and irritated eyes, nose, or mouth.

Additionally, other symptoms of poor indoor air quality include shortness of breath, rashes, fatigue, and dizziness. Research suggests there are greater long-term effects of poor indoor air quality. Cancer, heart disease, and respiratory diseases are just a few examples. In the case of large amounts of toxic mold, exposure has lead to memory loss, depression, trouble with concentration, anxiety, insomnia, and more.


Air Scrubber by Aerus

Prevent Mold Growth

There are a number of actions you can take to prevent the growth of mold in your home. Firstly, you should receive frequent inspections. Houston Admiral can inspect your AC ducts and attic for any signs of mold. These areas are often perfect places for mold to grow. Secondly, check your home for leaks. Leaks allow moisture to enter your home. Moisture paired with heat can lead to mold growth.

Finally, you can help improve the quality of your air. Houston Admiral only uses the most state-of-the-art technologies for air quality control. We place our trust in the Aerus air scrubber. Aerus is a company with more than 90 years of experience. NASA even uses Aerus technology for its astronauts.

Contact Houston Admiral Today

You can reach Houston Admiral today by calling (281) 876-9400. Our team can inspect your AC ducts and install the Aerus air scrubber. Schedule an appointment today by contacting our team. You may also learn more about our residential services and commercial HVAC services on our website.

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from AC repairs spring TX

Air Quality Effects of Your Fitness Routine

The quality of the air can greatly affect your life. One area in which your life could see some impact is your physical fitness routine. If your home or your gym has poor air quality, then you will feel the impact. Air quality is especially important to live a happy and healthier life.

You want the air quality in the place you exercise to be the best as it can be. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important, and poor air quality works against that objective.

Health Risks

The health risks of poor air quality can impact your exercise routine. Dust, dirt, pollen, hair, and other pollutants are inhaled in greater amounts when exercising. In turn, you may experience headaches, fatigue, coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath, and irritate eyes, nose, or mouth. These ailments seem minor, but they can impact your fitness routine to the point where you cannot continue.

The poor air quality will greatly impact your exercise routine in your home or the gym.

If you experience these problems at your gym, then it most likely has poor ventilation. Humidity can also play a large roll in your health and fitness routine. Moisture and heat create an environment perfect for mold and mildew. Viruses and bacteria also spread at a higher rate of humidity. These pollutants will cause a variety of health problems, which is why indoor air quality is important.

Aerus Air Scrubber

Aerus has more than 90 years of experience developing technologies aimed at purifying the air. The Aerus air scrubber is a NASA-used duct attachment. This scrubber may be added to an HVAC system if it has duct access. NASA uses the system for its astronaut’s journeys.

Houston Admiral can install this air scrubber in your house, apartment, or even business. The Aerus air scrubber can reduce odors, microbial populations on the surfaces, even visible smoke from the air. In addition, it removes pollutants from the air in order to generate greater air quality.

Contact Us

If you are interested in what Houston Admiral can do for your indoor air quality, then contact our team today. You can reach us by calling (281) 876-9400. Ask us about the Aerus air scrubber and our commercial HVAC services. We would be happy to provide you with the clean air you deserve.

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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Does Your Business or Home Have Asbestos?

Before the 1970s, asbestos was used in a number of different building materials. Asbestos is harmful once you breathe it in, but that does not mean it was banned outright. This naturally occurring mineral is still in a variety of modern building materials. Even though it has harmful effects for those who breathe it in, it is not banned.

Instead, asbestos is heavily regulated. This mineral has many popular attributes, such as resistance to heat and its strength. It takes at least 15 years for asbestos to cause problems within the body. However, it could be longer in some cases.

What materials use asbestos?

Asbestos can be found in drywall compounds, adhesives, and insulation. Due to its popular traits, it often finds its way into residential and commercial buildings. You may also found asbestos in plaster and flooring materials. Some roofing materials will also contain the mineral. A more recent application of asbestos has been in crayons.

Asbestos is in modern resources like plaster, insulation, and flooring materials.

Again, the federal government has placed heavy regulations on the resources because of its health effects. Building owners must have an inspection before remodeling or construction. If the substance ever needs removing, then the company removing it must have a license. The license may come from the state or the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

When is asbestos harmful?

Most people breathe in asbestos when the materials containing the substance begin to deteriorate. Asbestos is capable of releasing individual fibers into the air. These fibers can enter the body by simply breathing in the air. If the material is disturbed through construction, then it may also cause fibers to enter the air. When someone breaths the asbestos fibers in, they will become lodged in the lungs or digestive system. The fiber will stay within the body’s life. Eventually, the person may develop scarring and inflammation. In turn, diseases may develop, such as cancer.

Asbestos and Indoor Air Quality

Asbestos can have a major impact on indoor air quality. With that said, Houston Admiral wants to help you improve your air quality. We can install the Aerus air scrubber to remove particles from the air. Our team can attach the device to an air duct, and it will perform the job of purifying your indoor air. NASA uses the Aerus air scrubber for the astronauts’ journeys. So, contact our team today by calling (281) 876-9400. You may also find additional information about our commercial and residential services on our website.

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from AC repairs spring TX

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Importance of Air Quality in Healthcare Facilities

Healthcare facilities play vital roles in caring for a variety of patients. Facilities must remain clean in order to prevent additional infections and the spread of disease. Surprisingly, the air quality of the facility is a big factor in the infection rate. The lack of humidity can cause infections to spread faster through the air.

Houston Admiral wants to help healthcare facilities maintain proper humidity levels and prevent the spread of disease. Our team is capable of inspecting your facility’s HVAC system. We can even review your overall air quality in order to provide cleaner solutions. Here are some ways air quality affects healthcare facilities.

Airborne Infections

Viruses such as the influenza strain can spread through the air. The strain can be found in aerosols, which are liquid droplets. These droplets are automatically dispersed when you speak, cough, sneeze, or even breathe. Low humidity areas allow aerosols to linger within the air longer. They will also travel further distances than a humid area would allow.

Keeping the humidity level between 40 and 60% is beneficial for healthcare facilities.

Indoor humidity should be kept between 40 and 60%. The rate of infection will go down while in this range. This humidity range will ensure the droplets have a faster settling rate, and fewer people are infected.

Infection Rate

The rate of infection can greatly increase within a healthcare facility if the humidity level is not appropriate. If there is a greater demand for healthcare, then facilities are not ready to handle all of the patients. Proper humidity levels lead to a greater rate of infection.

Equipment Protection

Healthcare facilities are full of crucial pieces of equipment that help keep people alive and improve the lives of many. For that reason, the humidity levels will determine how much electrostatic buildup can occur. The static discharge could potentially damage this essential equipment. Proper humidity levels will keep the environment at the right level to reduce the electrostatic shocks as much as possible.

Houston Admiral Air Quality

Houston Admiral can help your healthcare facility find the proper humidity levels. We can also help remove pollutants from your facility wit the NASA-used Aerus air scrubber. Aerus designs and produces state-of-the-art air purifying technologies. So, call us at (281) 876-9400. You can also learn more about our commercial HVAC services on our website.

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from AC repairs spring TX

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Ways to Improve Air Quality in Your Home

There are ways of improving your home’s air quality without having to purchase expensive pieces of equipment. The lack of cleanliness in a home can lead to major air quality issues. With that said, most of the steps listed below are standard household chores.

Of course, there are additional steps you can take with each step to ensure the quality of the air improves. Additionally, Houston Admiral can help you improve your home’s air quality. We offer services for cleaning your air ducts. We can also install equipment to purify the air as it passes through your air ducts. Regardless, we have competitive prices, and these services will only further your efforts in improving air quality.

Clean Your Floors

Cleaning your floors regularly with natural cleaners or simply hot water can improve air quality.

Vacuum your carpet floors and mop your tile flooring. A variety of allergens, dirt, and dust can stick to your floors. Moreover, these pollutants are capable of being kicked up into the air, which reduces air quality. Use a vacuum with strong suction and a HEPA filter. These features will help your vacuum suck up as many pollutants as possible. In order to keep your floors clean, place a floor mat at the exit doors. This will help keep dirt, dust, and allergens out of the home.

Balance Your Home’s Humidity Level

Dust mites and mold thrive in moisture. So, it is best to keep your humidity level between 30% and 50%. Dehumidifiers or air conditioners can help sustain these levels, or you could consider house plants. Be sure to water them the correct amounts.

Prevent Smoking Within the Home

Smoking is detrimental to the person smoking, and those inhaling the smoke around them. Smoke drastically lowers the quality of air and should be eliminated as much as possible. Cigarette smoke has more than 4,000 chemicals. These chemicals can easily attach to walls, floors, furnishings, and more. Eliminate smoking from your home to improve its air quality.

Clean Your AC’s Filter

Your AC unit’s filter should be cleaned regularly. If you are unsure how to change it, then contact Houston Admiral. We can inspect and maintain your air conditioning with ease. Your AC’s filter should be changed every 60 to 90 days.

Contact Houston Admiral Today

Houston Admiral can also install a state-of-the-art Aerus air scrubber in your air duct. This air scrubber is used by NASA for astronauts and is proven to be effective. Contact our team today by calling (281) 876-9400. You can also see what other residential services we offer on our website.

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Health Problems Associated with Indoor Air Quality

The quality of the air you breath has a significant impact on your health. Walls, carpets, rugs, and furniture are more than capable of harboring pollutants. Pollutants are chemicals, gasses, dust, dirt, pollen, hair, pet hair, and anything else, reducing the quality of the air.

There are a number of immediate and long-term effects linked to poor indoor air quality. Above all, it is important for air to be clean; otherwise, it has harmful effects on those who breathe it in. Houston Admiral is here to provide healthy indoor air quality solutions for residential and commercial clients.

Immediate Effects

Coughing, sneezing, irritated eyes, dizziness, and fatigue are just a few immediate effects of poor air quality.

The immediate effects of poor air quality are not as serious as what might come. Moreover, the immediate effects are similar to other conditions. So, you may not be aware the air quality is the cause of the illness. For example, coughing, sneezing, and headaches are common symptoms of other conditions.

Often times, the treatment of these conditions is simply cleaning the air or removing what is causing poor air quality. Unfortunately, the long-term effects are potentially debilitating or even fatal. The immediate effects may also appear in those who already have a respiratory disease such as asthma. Those with asthma may also fall victim to the immediate effects of pollutants.

Long-Term Effects

Research suggests those exposed to poor indoor quality are at a higher risk of developing cancer, heart disease, and respiratory diseases. It is important to note every person responds to pollutants differently. With that said, exposure to pollutants does not guarantee the development of such diseases.

Houston Admiral offers indoor air quality solutions for residential and commercial clients. Furthermore, our solutions use state-of-the-art technologies such as Aerus air scrubber. This device attaches to an air duct and removes pollutants from the air. NASA even uses the Aerus air scrubber. It ensures the astronauts have purified air on their journeys.

Houston Admiral’s Indoor Air Quality

Houston Admiral knows how important your indoor air quality is. We want to help homeowners and businesses develop healthy environments. If you are interested in the Aerus air scrubber or other indoor air quality services, then contact our team at (281) 876-9400. You can also find more information about our residential services on our website.

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from AC repairs spring TX

Monday, May 25, 2020

Benefits of the Air Scrubber by Aerus

Keep your home clean by installing Air Scrubber by Aerus. Contact Go Admiral today to learn more.

During the spring and warmer months, you may find that you struggle with allergens and poor air quality. However, this doesn’t just stay outside. In fact, these things can come into your home or from your home. Although you clean, they can still be there, causing you and your family to have trouble breathing.

Allergens and other pollutants can irritate the nose, eyes, and throat, as well as cause headaches. To sleep better and breathe better, you must take your air quality into your own hands. Sometimes cleaning simply isn’t enough. This is why we have air filters and air purifiers. However, how do we know which one works the best? Go Admiral offers Air Scrubber by Aerus. This product attaches to your HVAC system to clear out pollutants such as pet dander, VOCs, and more.

Benefits of Air Scrubber by Aerus

This piece of equipment has been created by ActivePure®, which is the only Certified Space Technology. This technology has been used by NASA to protect their astronauts while they were on board the International Space Station. It is meant to work and is meant to last. Not only is this technology used on the space station, but it is used in homes and businesses as well. Some of the benefits of using this technology are:

  • reduction in respiratory issues
  • odor control
  • feel better
  • reduction in sick days
  • effective against E.coli, MRSA, and other bacterial and viral illnesses
  • reduces exposure to common bacteria
  • protects against allergies and asthma
  • sleep better
  • removes dust, VOCs, and pet dander

Air Scrubber by Aerus

See the benefits for yourself by calling Go Admiral today at (281) 876-9400, or you can set up an appointment with their Katy TX and Sugar Land TX locations. Allow them to help you feel better in your home. With the help of the Air Scrubber, you won’t be faced with overwhelming contaminants. You’ll finally breathe better and have a cleaner home. So, stay on top of your air quality by talking with Go Admiral today.

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Long-Term Effects of Air Pollutants

The quality of your indoor air is crucial to you and your loved ones’ health. There are a number of factors that can affect your home’s air quality. Pet hair, pollen, dirt, and dust are just a few examples. These pollutants can collect within your home and cause major health problems.

There are a number of short-term or immediate effects you may experience, such as a cough, sneezing, headaches, sore throat, or irritate eyes. These issues are minor and may go away after a while. However, there are serious long-term health issues you may experience. In order to avoid these issues, you should have your home’s ventilation system cleaned. Houston Admiral offers residential and commercial indoor air quality services.

Fatal Diseases

There are a number of different respiratory diseases capable of appearing in those who have been exposed to poor indoor air. The exposure could be a repeated exposure or over a long period of time. Regardless, the harmful effects of poor indoor air quality can range in seriousness. However, the most serious cases are debilitating or even fatal.

Indoor air quality can affect allergies, asthma, and other respiratory diseases.

Poor indoor air quality is linked to various heart diseases, cancers, and respiratory diseases. Asthma is a common respiratory disease caused by poor indoor air quality. In addition, if you or a loved one has asthma, then poor air quality will cause irritation. Allergies may also flare more than normal. The effect poor air quality has on people varies greatly.

In general, each person will react differently from the last. Additionally, there needs to be more research in order to understand the greater effects of exposure. Until then, you and your loved ones should be mindful of the effects indoor air quality has. Houston Admiral is capable of helping residential and commercial clients using state-of-the-art equipment.

Air Scrubber by Aerus

If you want truly clean air in your home, then consider Houston Admiral’s indoor air quality services. We can install the Aerus air scrubber on your air duct. This scrubber reduces the number of pollutants within the home. Contact our team today by calling (281) 876-9400. Our team can install the air scrubber within your home so you can start breathing cleaner air.

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from AC repairs spring TX

Friday, May 22, 2020

How Indoor Air Affects Spring Allergies

Relieve allergies

Don’t suffer from seasonal allergies. Contact Go Admiral for more information on how to clean your indoor air.

When people think about air quality, they are often thinking about outdoor air quality. However, it is usually indoor air quality that is the real danger to us. For the most part, Americans are always indoors. This means that our air quality is the most important for our health. However, indoor air quality tends to be worse than outdoor air quality.

This is because there’s dust and dander that gets trapped in our home and festers. If there is humidity, then it can cause mold and bacteria to grow. As these things grow and fester, it can cause us to develop long term illnesses or short term illnesses depending on how much contact we have with the pollutant.

For the most part, people in the Houston area have allergies, and these indoor pollutants aren’t helping. Here are some ways that your indoor air quality affect your allergies.

Common Allergens

You may be surprised that allergens don’t just come from outside. Many allergens can be found inside your house, whether its dust mites, mold, or pets. These allergens also cling to every surface in your home, requiring more cleaning and upkeep to stay on top of. Some of the surfaces that can collect dust and pet dander are:

  • Bedding
  • Carpet and rugs
  • Surfaces
  • Curtains
  • Throws and pillows
  • Fabric furniture
  • On and under furniture

Improving the air, you breathe will help you to limit the symptoms of seasonal allergies. In addition to the regular pollutants that you find in your home, you also track in pollutants from outside. The pollutants outside, such as pollen, can sit in your home for days.


Air Scrubber by Aerus

Reduce Indoor Pollution

There are many ways to reduce indoor pollution; however, there are some that are more effective than others. Cleaning is one way you can limit pollution in your home and business. Also, it is essential to get rid of any furniture or carpet that is harboring microbes that are giving you trouble. However, if after you do all this, then you may want to invest in something more.

Air scrubber by Aerus is a tool that Go Admiral offers to their clients to help keep their indoor air clean. This piece of equipment attaches to your HVAC system to remove things like bacteria, VOCs, pet dander, odors, and more. Contact Go Admiral to learn more about this product by calling (281) 876-9400, or you can set up an appointment with their Katy, TX and Sugar Land, TX location.

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Better Air Quality For Your Nursery

Help your child breathe better by contacting Go Admiral today.

You only want the best for your baby. That includes air quality in their bedroom. There are many health hazards in your home, and some of these hazards can be in your air. Indoor air is often worse when it comes to contaminants than outdoor air.

The quality of your air in your home can affect your children even more than it does adults. The reason for this is because their immune system is underdeveloped, which can cause them to be more susceptible to pollution. In addition to this, the younger the child, the more time they spend in their room.

For anyone, constant exposure can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat. Over time this can cause headaches, fatigue, and even asthma. Luckily, there are some steps you can take to keep the air in your child’s room clean.

Your Baby’s Bedding

While this is meant to keep your baby warm, it can also help protect them from air contaminants. Choosing a latex foam mattress with organic covers will help limit dust mites in their bedding. In addition to this, you can use hypoallergenic bedding, which will help curtail these contaminants, which will improve the air quality in your child’s room.

Purify Indoor Air With Air Scrubber by Aerus

Indoor air pollutants often are collected by your HVAC system. That means that installing an air purifier is one way you can improve the quality of the air in your entire house. Go Admiral offers Air Scrubber by Aerus, which is an air purifier that attaches to your HVAC. This product will remove volatile organic compounds (VOC), reduce dust and pet dander, as well as common bacteria.

Know Your Paint

Wall paint can emit toxic chemicals for years after they are applied. This is often the cause of VOC, which, over time, will lead to short and long term health effects. In addition to being a health concern, they also pose severe threats to the environment. However, you can find VOC free paint that will help your room to be safer for your little one.


Purify your air with Air Scrubber by Aerus

Contact Us

If you are looking to keep your home safe for your family, then reach out to Go Admiral by calling (281) 876-9400. Or you can always set up an appointment with their Katy TX and Sugar Land TX locations. Allow them to help you provide cleaner indoor air for your baby. 



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from AC repairs spring TX

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Causes of Indoor Air Pollution


There are many building materials in your home that can cause indoor air pollutants. Contact Go Admiral for more information on how to clean the air in your home or business.

Indoor air pollution can play a big part in your overall health. These pollutants you can sometimes smell. However, many seem entirely invisible. Pollutants can come from chemicals used to put down carpet or paint walls. It can even come from pets and products you use daily. Either way, these pollutants can irritate your eyes, nose, and throat. Having constant contact with these pollutants can have adverse effects that can last both short term and long term.

Many pollutants can be easily found in nature. Some of these contaminants are bacteria, mold, pet dander, and more. No matter where it comes from, though, it is essential to identify when you are struggling with indoor air pollution. Investing in an air purifier or finding the source of the problem is a way that you can help you and your family breathe better. Additionally, keeping your air clean will help prevent disease and other adverse health effects. Here are some of the most common sources of indoor air pollution that you can avoid for cleaner air.

Carpet Fumes

It is always nice to have new carpet installed. Then you know it is clean from past stains and other things that have been dropped on it. However, the vinyl backing and glue will release chemicals into the air. This is known as off-gassing and has been known to cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, and asthma-like reactions.

Paint and VOCs

This is another major player in indoor air pollution. Whether you have an old house or are planning on redoing your room, paint has long been a problem. All household paints are full of volatile organic compounds or VOCs. In high concentrations, VOCs can cause health problems, which means that a fresh coat of paint might just do it.


Air Scrubber by Aerus

Contact Us

Go Admiral has just the thing you need to keep your air clean and healthy for you and your family. Air Scrubber by Aerus is a product that works with your HVAC system to clean the air in your home or business. It can remove pollutants such as VOCs, pet dander, odors, and more. So contact them today at (281) 876-9400 or set up an appointment with their Katy TX and Sugar Land TX location. They can help you get to the cause of your indoor air pollutants.

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How Our Pets Impact Indoor Air Quality

Relief from allergies and illness

Your pets can contribute to the allergens in the air. Contact Go Admiral to learn more about how to keep your indoor air clean.

While we love having our furry friends around, they can add to the maintenance of keeping our homes clean. That can include our indoor air quality. Pet dander is known to be one of the leading causes of indoor air pollution. This pollution can cause problems for our immune systems and our HVAC systems.

Dandruff on your pet is what causes dander, and these dead skin cells are light and small, causing them to stay airborne longer. They also have a sticky texture that allows them to cling to surfaces in your home. This means that they end up on your bed, walls, furniture, floors, practically any surface. These little bits of skin also retain their potency for months.

The dander on pets is why about 15% of Americans are allergic to dogs and cats. However, about a third of those who are allergic will continue to own a dog or a cat. Since we tend to spend most of our time indoors, those with allergies, asthma, or other respiratory issues can have trouble living with animals.

What You Can do to Lessen Your Pet’s Impact

Although your pet will contribute to your allergies and poor air quality, there are a few things you can do to lessen the impact. Here are somethings that will keep your pet dander to a minimum:

  • Clean orders, dried saliva, and keep litterboxes clean to decrease contaminants
  • Give them regular baths to wash their fur from mold and pollen they can carry in from outside
  • Dust regularly to keep your air filters from clogging
  • Air circulation from your HVAC or grooming your pets indoors can increase the spread of allergens

Another thing you can do is keep your pets away from furniture and bedding as well as regularly clean your house. By maintaining a clean house, it will keep your pet’s dander from building up and causing problems. HVAC maintenance will help keep allergens at bay.

Air Scrubber by Aerus, Go Admiral

Get rid of pet dander and more by using Air Scrubber by Aerus.

Contact Us

Go Admiral offers a product that can help you get rid of pet dander in your home and purify your air. The Air Scrubber by Aerus is ActivePure® technology that works with your HVAC system to remove air contaminants. Set up an appointment with Go Admiral Sugar Land TX and Katy TX locations today to learn more about how this tool can combat pet dander in your home. Or give them a call at (281) 876-9400.  Don’t let your pet have an impact on the quality of your air.

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from AC repairs spring TX

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

How Should I Set My Thermostat Fan?

Care for your home by keeping your fan on auto. Learn more about how to help keep your home air clean by contacting Go Admiral.

You have probably noticed that your AC thermostat has two fan settings. Either auto or on. The last one is off. Many people wonder if there is any difference between the two. It is often recommended that the fan is set to auto. The reason being is that having it on any other setting could increase your indoor humidity.

Increased humidity in your home can cause mold and other problems to fester. Additionally, hot and humid places will also add to the growth of mold and other fungi and bacteria.

On or Auto

Turning the thermostat fan setting to on will run the fan continuously. However, when this happens, it will blow air through the coils in your AC, and once the condenser shuts off, the coils are no longer cold. When that happens, then it won’t remove any moisture from the air. Instead, it will cause the air to condense on the coils and sometimes in the drain pan. In addition to all of this, you will also see the energy usage reflect in your utility bill.

Instead, when you turn your thermostat to auto, the fan will shut off when the condenser shuts off. At that point, the condensed moisture found on the coils will drain into the pan and go outside. By the time most of the moisture is gone, then the fan will turn on again. This keeps the moisture from going back into the building and helps mitigate humidity.

Lessening the humidity, especially in warmer climates, will help limit the growth of harmful contaminants. These contaminants can be things like mold spores, fungus,  bacteria, and more. While there can still be humidity in your home regardless of the fan, having it on auto will make it less. This is because the AC will try to remove as much moisture from the air as possible when placed on auto.


Air Scrubber by Aerus

Contact Us

Contact Go Admiral today to learn more about how they can help you keep your air clean. While turning your fan on auto will help, it isn’t a complete fix. There can still be contaminants, such as dust mites, allergens, or VOCs. In order to get rid of these particles, it is essential to invest in an air purifier. This will eliminate contaminants in the air and provide you with the clean air you need for your health.

Have fewer sick days and feel great by contacting Go Admiral about their Air Scrubber by Aerus. This is known to remove pet dander, VOCs, dust, and orders from your home. It attaches to your HVAC system to work with it making it an efficient way to have a cleaner, healthier home.

So, give them a call today at (281) 876-9400, or you can set an appointment with their Katy TX and Sugar Land TX locations. Use Air Scrubber by Aerus in addition to turning your thermostat fan on auto for the best results.


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Common Indoor Air Pollutants

Indoor air quality can play a significant role in your overall health. Give Go Admiral a call today to learn more.

There are many more pollutants than what we see coming out of big factories. While they don’t help with our air quality, we would still have contaminants without them as well. Indoor pollutants can be worse for you than outdoor pollutants. In order to keep your home safe and healthy, it is essential to learn about the contaminants that can affect your health. Continue reading to learn more about indoor pollutants and how they can affect you.

Common Indoor Pollutants

Some pollutants that you can find in your home are natural and aren’t caused by anything manufactured. However, there is also a fair amount that is caused by human-made products. Some natural pollutants are:

  • Mold
  • Nitrogen dioxide
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Radon
  • Asbestos

While you can easily find these in nature, that doesn’t make them healthy for you. Having these in an enclosed indoor space can cause you to have immediate effects such as irritated eyes, nose, or throat. However, some of these, if experienced in high doses, can have lasting effects.

Radon can increase your risk of getting lung cancer, while asbestos can also lead to lung cancer, among other various lung disorders. Many people are allergic to mold, and this natural substance can often trigger asthma attacks.

Some of the manufactured pollutants you can find are:

  • Second-hand smoke
  • Lead particles

The likely hood of you having these in your home will depend on your surroundings. If there is someone who smokes in your home or place of business, then you could find second-hand smoke to be a problem. When it comes to lead, these particles are often found in old buildings. So, while these can be a problem, they are less common than the more natural pollutants you can find in your home. Either way, Go Admiral can help you improve your indoor air quality today.

Improve the quality of your air today by calling Go Admiral about Air Scrubber by Aerus.

Contact Us

Luckily, there are many things you can do when it comes to indoor air quality. Whether you have a home that needs a little air purification, or a business that could benefit from a new filter, Go Admiral is there. They can set you up with an Air Scrubber by Aerus. This product attaches to your HVAC directly to help clean and purify your air. You can call them at (281) 876-9400 or set an appointment today to learn more about this product and how it can turn your indoor space into a healthy space. So contact them today to rid your home or business of any common air pollutants you may have.


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from AC repairs spring TX

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Aerus Air Scrubber

Houston Admiral knows how important indoor air quality is for homes and businesses. There are a number of different reasons why your indoor air quality may be so bad. Hair, dust, dirt, pollen, pet hair, and other types of pollutants can cause major issues in the respiratory system.

You may experience a variety of symptoms from poor indoor air quality. You can find a list of symptoms below.

  • Dry or irritated eyes, nose or throat
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Allergies
  • Congestion
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea

Many of these symptoms are common with other diseases, so you may not suspect poor air quality right away. However, air quality is something you should greatly consider. It plays a vital role in your everyday life. The poor air quality will lead to fatigue, drowsiness, and even worse conditions. In turn, these symptoms lead to greater problems at work or school.

Aerus Technology

Aerus Air Scrubber

The quality of your air is important, and Houston Admiral trusts in the technology Aerus is developing. With more than 90 years of experience, Aerus is creating technology used in people’s homes and the astronauts at NASA. One of their most revolutionary and beneficial pieces of technology is the air scrubber.

Air scrubbers draw air from the nearby area and remove pollutants from it. These pollutants include particles, hair, gasses, chemicals, and pollen. The air scrubber will remove these air pollutants in order to make the air purer. In the case of Aerus’ air scrubber, it is attached to an air duct, so air passes through.

Aerus’ technology also has capabilities of removing odors, visible smoke within the air, and microbial populations on surfaces. The Aerus air scrubber uses ActivePure® Technolgy, which utilizes a special UV light to target pollutants. If you are interested in the Aerus air scrubber, then contact Houston Admiral today.

Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

You can improve the quality of your air with the Aerus air scrubber. Contact Houston Admiral today by calling (281) 876-9400. Our team can install the Aerus air scrubber in your home. We can even install this technology in apartments and HVAC systems with accessible air ducts. This technology meets the needs of astronauts, so it can certainly meet the needs of your home or business.

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from AC repairs spring TX

The Immediate Effects of Air Pollutants

smart thermostat 63 degrees

Go Admiral can help you purify your air to help keep you and your loved ones free from the harmful effects of pollutants.

Indoor Air quality is essential for our everyday health. However, many air pollutants can enter our homes, whether from home itself or the outdoors. Either way, we must keep our indoor air quality clean, so we can protect our health and the health of our loved ones.

Some air pollutants can cause effects in people rather quickly or even years later after coming in contact. These are some of the immediate effects you may experience after you come in contact with indoor air pollutants.

How Pollutants Effect Us

There are health effects that you may experience after a single exposure or repeated exposure. Some of these are irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat. Other signs are headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. These effects are typically treatable and short term. If the pollutant can be identified, then it is best to limit your exposure to it.

If you are someone with asthma or other similar illnesses, then your symptoms may worsen by coming in contact with air pollutants. Both age and medical history can play a part in whether or not you will have an immediate reaction to a contaminant. Also, sensitivity to pollutants will vary from person to person. If you experience repeated high-level exposures, then you can develop a sensitivity without an underlying factor.

Many of the effects caused by indoor air pollutants are similar to the common cold and other diseases. This can make it challenging to know whether pollutants cause the symptoms. One way to tell if the symptoms are from a cold or are from pollutants is to keep track of when and where they occur. If the symptoms leave when you leave an area, then you have a better chance of identifying what caused the symptoms in the first place.

Improve your health by calling Go Admiral today.

Contact Us

You can clean your air by calling Go Admiral. Whether you have a business that requires air purification or in your own home, they can help. One of the products they offer is Air Scrubber by Aerus, which is proven to help remove pollutants from your air by attaching to your HVAC system. This product will also protect your heating and cooling system from dust buildup. To learn more, set an appointment with our Katy, TX or Spring, TX, location. Or call them at (281) 876-9400They would be happy to help you get rid of the immediate effects caused by indoor pollutants.

The post The Immediate Effects of Air Pollutants appeared first on AC repairs spring TX.

from AC repairs spring TX