Monday, July 8, 2019

Dealing With Your AC After Flooding

In Houston, one issue that you have to keep in mind is flooding. It’s a potentially life-threatening problem that can destroy property and livelihoods. However, when it isn’t causing huge struggles for people, it is damaging other aspects. Large amounts of water are rarely good things in the suburban and inner-city areas. People simply aren’t prepared to deal with such adverse effects like damaged property and electronics.

Magnolia Heating and Air Companies Near Me

If A Storm Is Coming, Make Sure You’re Ready For The Aftermath!

When there are flooding issues and machinery is affected, it can be a serious problem. Not just for the individual, but also the home overall. This is especially so for your AC unit, which can be vital in periods like these. We want to explain the best way to deal with a situation like this. If your unit was touched by the high waters, there is a procedure that you will have to follow to ensure that your AC unit is in the best circumstance to recover.

Remove Debris & Dry It Off

First and foremost, do your best to clean off the machine. This can regard any sort of mud, dirt or debris that accumulated due to the water. It can also refer to the foliage and branches that may have been hurled from the storm. We recommend this to ensure that there are no serious obstructions or damaging chemicals affecting the system.

Don’t Turn It On 

Another very serious issue that could occur is a malfunction in the electronics. If it possibly got soaked during the flooding, the last thing you should do is turn it on. This is due to the potential threats that are posed to your home’s electric system. A burst could catch the house on fire or melt any of your wiring and circuit boards. It can also permanently damage your AC unit, too. This is why we urge our clients to keep the unit off, even after the water recedes.

Contact An HVAC Repairman 

Finally, after you have cleaned it and removed all of the debris, it’s time to let a specialist enter the situation. They can evaluate the system and determine the best route to move forward with. Sometimes it can be a quick fix with drying off of internal parts or closing of open wires but other times may be more serious.

Magnolia Heating and Air Conditioning Companies Near Me

Rainy Conditions Can Be Worse Than You Thought, We Can Help With Flooding!

Regardless, our repairman can determine the issue and confirm what the right solution is. They can organize the repair and give you a schedule for whenever it will be finished. This way, you are able to return to air-conditioned living faster, possibly even avoiding the unwanted purchase of a new AC system.

Contact Us For Service!

Keep in mind that we are always ready to help. We offer 24/7 service so that you can get the care you need exactly when you need it. Flash floods happen a lot in Houston, and it usually causes huge issues for homeowners. The last thing you need is no access to help in the immediate hours following the flood. Fortunately, Houston Admiral will ensure that you get the care you’re looking for right when you need it.

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from AC repairs spring TX

Prevent Your AC From Freezing

Ironically, there is an issue with AC units freezing in the summertime. It is an issue that arises from a number of different variables. Making sure that all of them are addressed and the proper precautions are made is critical if you want to have cool air all summer long.

What we say freezing, there might be a little confusion over what that means exactly. We aim to clear out any misconceptions and convey solutions to our clients. Our blog post will clarify what freezing is and how to keep it from happening. If you ever feel like you need more information, simply give us a call and we will be happy to help.

Houston Central AC Repair

If your AC is freezing, we can help! 

What Does “Freezing” Mean?

When your evaporator coils cannot reach the water, then the air will not be heated. Believe it or not, all air in the AC unit is intended to be frozen right off the bat. It is only when the coolant is met by the evaporator coils that the water is heated and the air temperature is regulated. If there are issues with this, then the AC unit will freeze and the water will not be evaporated. It could damage your system, and otherwise create a stoppage in cool air.

Why Do AC Units Freeze?

The main reasons for AC units freezing is a result of one of two issues. It can be from both sides of the machine’s function. By this, we mean that you could either have a clogged and stopped up air filter or low refrigerant fluid. If the hot air cannot reach the water then the evaporator coils will not be able to interact with the water and it will freeze. Alternatively, if there is low coolant, your machine could experience similar adverse effects.

The Best Ways To Prevent Freezing 

That’s why we absolutely recommend having a repairman keep an eye out for this. You can do a filter change on your own if you wish, it is a simple procedure that can make a huge difference in the quality of the air you’re receiving.

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You can never go wrong with Houston Admiral.

Of course, a check on the coolant must definitely be taken out by a repairman. This is due to the noxious and potentially lethal fumes from coolants. That is why a professional has to oversee the changing out of your coolant. Even the checking of the content must be monitored because they have to follow regulations to the most minute measurements.

Contact Us For Aid!

When you are in a predicament such as an AC freezing, you can always contact one of our representatives. We will get the problem sorted out. We want to provide all of the care to your system as possible so you can enjoy your summers without worries.

You can reach us through our contact page but we also have our number at the top of the page for quick connection. Hurry and get your unit serviced by Houston Admiral, we can bring the best quality air conditioning back to your home.

The post Prevent Your AC From Freezing appeared first on AC repairs spring TX.

from AC repairs spring TX

Prepare Your AC For The Summer Heat

Our blog posts are designed to bring awareness and informative advice on how to deal with some of the problems that people deal with over their AC units day to day. The results can be very beneficial for many and it can even point out problems that may have not been known beforehand. To keep our clients safe, cool, and in good financial standing, we want to give them as much support as possible. To do so, we have a few points to mention which may help you lower your expenses when the stifling summer heat arrives.

Set The Right Temperature

There have actually been studies done which have determined the best temperature to use in your home which ensures optimum comfort. The first thing to consider is how low the room temperature really needs to be. Relative to the heat outside, your AC unit is only supposed to drop about 20 degrees lower. So in cases of 100+ temperature, you may only need to keep the temperature at 80-84 inside.

Central AC Repair

Why Is Good Air Conditioning Important?

This will ensure that the machine is not working so hard and can maintain efficient results during the summer time. The benefit is both direct, and also for long term service. This is preferred over forcing your unit to work harder only to then break down in the future.

Use A Humidifier

One of the best ways to help control heat and make it feel cooler is to control humidity. While the AC unit is meant to help mitigate this issue on its own, it can only handle so much. There is a better way to deal with the humidity, though. Instead of dealing with the incredibly high humidity levels on your own, get a humidifier.

The humidifier can control the Houston moisture levels that increase heat index. As they say, it is always cooler when it is a dry heat. This will help immensely when your machine is operating at 80 degrees because it can make the room appear cooler when there is less buildup in humidity within the house.

Find & Block Heat Sources

One other factor to keep in mind is the effects of other parts in your home. By this, we mean the dangers of open windows or loose door frames. The worst problems can come from insulation issues that are causing your attic temperatures to sky-rocket. Making sure that all of the open airways are closed off and your attic is better insulated can create a far more inviting atmosphere for your AC to operate in.

Houston Central AC Repair

The importance of proper air conditioning in the summer cannot be stressed enough!

Make sure to contact us if you are looking to get your home energy efficient for the long summer months. We can inspect your home and point out any issues that may be directly causing problems for your AC unit.

This way, we can then focus on the efficiency of your air-conditioner without worrying about any external inefficiencies. You can speak with one of our representatives about any of this information, too. Of course, if you wish to inquire about other aspects of your home air-conditioning that you want to address, we’re able to help with this also! 

The post Prepare Your AC For The Summer Heat appeared first on AC repairs spring TX.

from AC repairs spring TX

The Size Of Your AC Makes A Difference

There are plenty of factors to consider when you are getting an AC for your home. One of the biggest factors to think about is the effectiveness of your unit during the summertime. This is due to the intense heat waves that often hit the Houston area. We are unfortunately subject to incredible levels of temperature that AC units have to be prepared for.

Knowing what the perfect size AC is will help you keep your home cool for the longest and cheapest. It will ensure that you are utilizing your energy in the most effective ways. Through our blog post today, we would like to explain how there are specific preferences for certain types of homes and what you can do for those locations to get the best air conditioning possible.

Best AC Inspections Houston

How do you control the heat in your home?

Ideal Size For Small Homes 

Many people don’t know that there is a lot of technical work behind what AC units are offered to you and when. By this, we mean the potential rating and temperature conditions that the AC is designed to run in. The geographic and climatological circumstances are gauged for every region and the proper machines are selected to be within a 98% efficiency.

While it is common to think that a larger AC unit can provide cooler air at a more effective rate, you may not always be correct. This is because of the underestimation of how hot it gets and for how long. When you consider that 2% of the time your AC spends operating at inefficient levels, it is only a small amount of time. Especially compared to 98% of the time it runs optimally.

Therefore, instead of getting a larger unit that will run efficiently during those extreme heat months, it is actually ideal to choose a smaller unit and work to keep your home effectively cooled in other ways during those periods of extreme heat.

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You can never go wrong with Houston Admiral!

Preferences For Larger Homes 

There are other options for larger houses that will differ from small homes. This is due to the space and the presence of multiple levels. The issue of stratification is a real problem in homes with more than one story. Hot air will collect in the upper levels and create a greenhouse effect that holds the heat within your home.

To avoid this, you can opt for either a larger central heating system but we would recommend that you get an additional AC unit to install on the second floor. This way, you won’t have to be overexerting the performance of your single central unit to heat the out of range areas. We find that the residual load for a single unit far outweighs the potential amount of energy pulling from two units who can maintain the separate areas.

In today’s day in age, you can have these systems controlled by a single electronic connection. Plus, you can access it anywhere on the go. So now, keeping your home cool is easier than ever, and that’s all thanks to the advent of technology. However, you will only find the best of technology at Houston Admiral when it comes to air conditioning.

Make sure to contact us now for the best deals on your new home!

The post The Size Of Your AC Makes A Difference appeared first on AC repairs spring TX.

from AC repairs spring TX

Is Your AC Broken Or Is It Just The Heat?

Are you curious to know why your AC unit is not working as good as you need it to? In the summer heat of Houston, sometimes it’s not always the AC that is broken. There are many different alternatives that could be causing your unit to ultimately fail at its job. These are essentially energy issues that are overwhelming your unit. This is not typically a result of lukewarm temperatures. It is a problem that arises with extreme heat and can be quite troublesome for even the strongest AC units.

Magnolia Local HVAC Companies

What is the best way to keep temperatures low? 

Common Misconceptions With AC Units 

While you may have initially thought that your AC unit was breaking down, that might not always be the case. However, you could very well be right. Many people often think that air conditioning units are meant for the high heat but this is not exactly true.

Although yes, we use AC units to mitigate temperature levels, but the range of the temperature change is usually within a matter of 20 degrees or so. Yet, if you were to experience the extreme conditions of 100+ temperatures, your unit would be able to easily scale it down to 60. That is because of the challenges that begin to arise outside of the unit. Even if your unit is in mint condition, it will still have difficulties keeping the heat down.

Troubleshoot Your Home 

This is why we want to highlight some of the key areas that can be causing heat. Sometimes it may not always be a result of the sun outside. There could be other factors contributing to the increase. These issues may regard your ceiling and roofing that could have leakages or poor insulation. The problem can lead to a sauna-like atmosphere in the attic which can reach temperatures in excess of 120+. This will create a radiant convection oven that will raise the average temperature in the home immensely.

Windows Closed, Doors Lined, And No Dryer!

Make sure that you’re doing all you can to keep your home at low temperatures. This will help you AC perform the way it is supposed to. It will also help prevent any sort of damages from overworking the machine. Some of the best ways to control the temperature may be obvious, however, there are other remedies that might not have been so apparent.

Closing windows and doors is a definite must. If you are letting the cool air escape into the outside world, your AC is only going to end up doing twice to three times more work to keep those temperatures down. It can be very counter-productive.

Another situation can be from poorly lined doors or not using the fan enough. If you don’t keep a constant circulation, you can suffer from stagnant air that will eventually turn into convection currents as the air stratifies. The term stratification refers to hot air rising and collecting at the higher levels of the house.

Houston Central AC Repair

Learn The Methods Of Proper Air Conditioning!

One way to protect your home from increasing to dangerous temperature levels is not to use any of the heat producing appliances. Such devices like the dryer or the stove/oven can cause the temperature levels to rise immensely as they attempt to operate. Try to refrain from using these machines at times of the day when it is at peak heat levels.

For more information and tips on how to keep your home cool, contact us now! We would be happy to inspect your home and find the best ways to control your air.

The post Is Your AC Broken Or Is It Just The Heat? appeared first on AC repairs spring TX.

from AC repairs spring TX

Avoid These AC Mistakes When In Extreme Heat

The summer is almost in full swing, are you ready for the heat? It can get extreme very fast in the city of Houston. That’s why Houston Admiral wants to give some advice to homeowners on ways they can stay cold. Nowadays it’s not so much about the type of system you run, but more about how well it’s running.

If there are issues outside of its control, you could be doing you and your machine more harm than good. That’s why we want to highlight some of the key factors in our blog today. Be aware of when you are in extreme heat, and know what the solutions are. This way, you can stay in the cool temperatures all summer long!

Size Of Your AC 

The first detail to focus on is the size of your AC unit. Every home will have to have a unique AC system because every home is going to vary in size. The AC unit is specifically designed to do a very simple task. In a specifically sized room, it will regulate the temperature within a certain threshold. Your AC is not meant to deal with extreme temperatures like the kind that we are experiencing regularly in Houston.

In order to account for this drastic heat index, you can’t overwork your AC. That means making sure that it is the proper size for your home, first of all. If it is too small, you’re already costing yourself too much. You’ll either have to get another AC that fits the size or get another smaller unit to make up for the lost space. This will reduce the stress on your AC and help the unit maintain temperature far easier.

AC Repair

The More Units, The Better! 

Are There Any Windows Or Doors Open? 

As we mentioned earlier, your AC cannot work in extreme heat. That is why it is best to reduce all of the potential factors that would produce more heat than needed. By this, we mean any of the windows or doors that may be open. These spaces in the home are huge points of heat exposure and can raise the average temperature in the home by as much as 10-15 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure that your windows are closed tight and perhaps more eco-friendly to ensure that you are not losing cool air to the outside world. Reducing the amount of work your AC has to do is absolutely critical.

Not Changing The Air Filter 

Another issue that could be problematic is the filter may not be clean. If it is blocked with a lot of dust, it may not be ideal for the AC unit. The performance will be slashed drastically as there is a far smaller flow of air entering the unit. This blockage can go on to damage other parts of your unit as well so it’s important to keep it clean.

We Offer 24/7 Service So You Can Stay Comfortable All Day 

Is The Fan On? 

Remember, stagnant air is always going to be a lot hotter than when you have fans on. This will keep a constant circulation in the home, and lower the average temperature inside. When you maintain lower temperatures, your AC can work far better. This is why we recommend you keep the fan on, too. It will save you money and keep you comfortable when the going gets rough.

If you’re looking to get the right AC unit for your home, contact us now! We can connect you with the proper representative to service your needs right away.

The post Avoid These AC Mistakes When In Extreme Heat appeared first on AC repairs spring TX.

from AC repairs spring TX

Can Storms Harm My Outdoor AC?

There are many cases in storms when you may want to consider the safety of your AC unit. It is only in the event of very extreme weather, though. Typically, when you are in a rainstorm the situation is not very dangerous nor problematic for your AC to run. In fact, it has shown to increase comfortability in homeowners due to their ability to mitigate humidity levels.

In order to get the most out of your AC for the longest, you will have to keep an eye out. These sort of adverse weather events can be troublesome. They range from tornadoes to hurricanes, and each of them will have properties that could be detrimental to your unit.

Usually, the only solution is to turn off your unit and wait out the storm. We want to highlight when some of these critical times for shutting down your unit are. It could help when you face bad weather in the future.

Magnolia Heating and Air Companies Near Me

Watch out for lightning!

Damage From High Winds 

A big issue in tornadoes and hurricanes is the presence of high wind. In these conditions, you must ensure that your unit is safely fastened to the ground or window. There can be a lot of issues arising in the stability of the unit. For example, if there is a lot of wind in the area, the trees and telephone poles can be susceptible to falling, leaving your home and your AC unit vulnerable to getting hit. In another scenario, if it is in a window, it could be affected by the drafts and dislodged from your window.

Hail, Lightning, Debris 

In the event that you are stuck in a very bad storm, covering your AC unit and turning it off can be a good idea. This is because of the possibility of a multitude of problems. The main concerns would be the high winds, of course, However, there are also occurrences of hail, lighting and other dangerous materials shooting through the air.

In order to avoid getting struck by lighting and having it melt your wiring, keep it off and covered up. This can also be helpful if it is getting pelted by hail. Depending on how large the pieces of ice are, it could dent and even brake your AC unit. Once again, protecting your AC can mean a much cheaper bill when it is all said and done.

AC Maintenance in Spring TX

Hail is also an issue to avoid!

Overwhelmed By Water 

Finally, one issue that is specifically difficult for Houston must be addressed. Since our city is prone to extensive flooding from even small amounts of rain, you have to keep in mind that your AC could be in the danger zone. If you ever find yourself in a position that flooding could be a potential issue, make sure that your AC unit and other outdoor electronics are powered down and otherwise covered from the water. It is imperative that you keep the high waters from damaging your system totally.

We would be happy to help you coordinate your home for any safety precautions. If you feel like you are in a high-risk area, let us know! We can get you the information you need and possibly to better equipment to put you at ease. Contact Houston Admiral now to learn more.

The post Can Storms Harm My Outdoor AC? appeared first on AC repairs spring TX.

from AC repairs spring TX

The Benefits Of Cleaning Your Filters

If you are living in a house or small apartment, chances are it will be up to you to change out your AC filters. These are simple procedures that can make a lot of difference. The quality of your air conditioner is dependent upon all of the pieces functioning properly. If there were issues with the coolant, or perhaps with the electronics, you could experience certain faulty issues and malfunctioning in your device. The same goes for your AC unit. In the case of an air filter, the problems can be just as complicated!

Enhanced Air Quality 

When you consider the amount of clean air you’re breathing, you have to think about how your AC is operating. Whenever there are clean filters, the air that is coming in can be controlled in a far better manner. The filter is designed to capture the residual sediment that is floating in the air. This sort of particulate can actually harm individuals who have respiratory issues so it’s very important to remain vigilant. When you clean out your filters, you will reestablish a cleaner and healthier environment.

AC Cleaning Service

Preparing For Incoming Summer

Smoother Performance 

Not only will you and the other guests in your home experience cleaner air, but the machine itself will run far better. This is due to the immense problems that a dirty filter can cause the rest of the machinery. As we said before, the AC design will work only if all of the proper pieces are functioning correctly. This cannot be the case if the air filter is dust-ridden.

In some cases, a dirty air filter can create a more stressful situation for evaporator coils and reduce the AC’s ability to regulate the air temperature like normal. This can become a costly situation that can damage other parts of your AC unit. Of course, all of this could have been easily avoided with a simple changing of the filter.

Houston Central AC Repair

Importance of Proper Air Conditioning

It’s A Simple DIY Task! 

That is why we want to encourage you to take out your filters every few months. Whether you are in a house with a central AC unit or you have a window unit, it is a simple process. You need only take out the filters and replace the new, cleaned filters back in. When it comes to a window unit, just clean out the dust with a scraper.

It will only take a few minutes for you to clean it out but the results will last far longer. You may instantly notice the difference if the filters were in bad condition. The air can be immensely different, with less humidity or better temperature control. In fact, you may experience better aromas as well. This is a natural side effect of filtered air, and any AC owner can make this quick and easy repair.

Of course, we are always here to help! If you need assistance with your AC filters or are in the market for a new AC unit, contact us for more information. You can look through some of our selections and talk to one of our representatives to see what fits your home best.

The post The Benefits Of Cleaning Your Filters appeared first on AC repairs spring TX.

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